
A simple vtkTkRenderWidget for tkinter.

Created by David Gobbi, April 1999

May ??, 1999 - Modifications performed by Heather Drury, to rewrite _pan to match method in TkInteractor.tcl May 11, 1999 - Major rewrite by David Gobbi to make the interactor bindings identical to the TkInteractor.tcl bindings. July 14, 1999 - Added modification by Ken Martin for VTK 2.4, to use vtk widgets instead of Togl. Aug 29, 1999 - Renamed file to vtkRenderWidget.py Nov 14, 1999 - Added support for keyword ‘rw’ Mar 23, 2000 - Extensive but backwards compatible changes, improved documentation

A few important notes:

This class is meant to be used as a base-class widget for doing VTK rendering in Python.

In VTK (and C++) there is a very important distinction between public ivars (attributes in pythonspeak), protected ivars, and private ivars. When you write a python class that you want to ‘look and feel’ like a VTK class, you should follow these rules.

  1. Attributes should never be public. Attributes should always be either protected (prefixed with a single underscore) or private (prefixed with a double underscore). You can provide access to attributes through public Set/Get methods (same as VTK).

  2. Use a single underscore to denote a protected attribute, e.g. self._RenderWindow is protected (can be accessed from this class or a derived class).

  3. Use a double underscore to denote a private attribute, e.g. self.__InExpose cannot be accessed outside of this class.

All attributes should be ‘declared’ in the init() function i.e. set to some initial value. Don’t forget that ‘None’ means ‘NULL’ - the python/vtk wrappers guarantee their equivalence.

Module Contents#



A vtkTkRenderWidget for Python.



Like it says, just a simple example


class vtkmodules.tk.vtkTkRenderWidget.vtkTkRenderWidget(master, cnf={}, **kw)#

Bases: tkinter.Widget

A vtkTkRenderWidget for Python.

Use GetRenderWindow() to get the vtkRenderWindow.

Create with the keyword stereo=1 in order to generate a stereo-capable window.

Create with the keyword focus_on_enter=1 to enable focus-follows-mouse. The default is for a click-to-focus mode.



Keyword arguments:

rw – Use passed render window instead of creating a new one.

stereo – If True, generate a stereo-capable window. Defaults to False.

focus_on_enter – If True, use a focus-follows-mouse mode. Defaults to False where the widget will use a click-to-focus mode.


Bind some default actions.


Mirrors the method with the same name in vtkRenderWindowInteractor.


Mirrors the method with the same name in vtkRenderWindowInteractor.


Mirrors the method with the same name in vtkRenderWindowInteractor.


Mirrors the method with the same name in vtkRenderWindowInteractor.

UpdateRenderer(x, y)#

UpdateRenderer will identify the renderer under the mouse and set up _CurrentRenderer, _CurrentCamera, and _CurrentLight.

Enter(x, y)#
Leave(x, y)#
StartMotion(x, y)#
EndMotion(x, y)#
Rotate(x, y)#
Pan(x, y)#
Zoom(x, y)#
Reset(x, y)#
PickActor(x, y)#

Like it says, just a simple example