VTK::AcceleratorsVTKmCore |
VTKm data structures |
VTK::AcceleratorsVTKmDataModel |
VTKm data structures |
VTK::AcceleratorsVTKmFilters |
VTKm filters and algorithms |
VTK::ChartsCore |
Charts and plots |
VTK::CommonArchive |
VTK::CommonColor |
Color palette and named color support classes |
VTK::CommonComputationalGeometry |
Parametric splines and curves |
VTK::CommonCore |
The base VTK library |
VTK::CommonDataModel |
Core data types |
VTK::CommonExecutionModel |
Core algorithms and execution |
VTK::CommonMath |
Linear algebra types |
VTK::CommonMisc |
Assorted utility classes |
VTK::CommonPython |
VTK::CommonSystem |
Filesystem and networking support |
VTK::CommonTransforms |
Linear algebra transformations |
VTK::DICOMParser |
VTK::DomainsChemistry |
Algorithms used in chemistry |
VTK::DomainsChemistryOpenGL2 |
OpenGL support for chemistry data |
VTK::DomainsMicroscopy |
File readers for microscopy file formats |
VTK::DomainsParallelChemistry |
Parallel versions of algorithms used in chemistry |
VTK::FiltersAMR |
Adaptive mesh refinement filters and algorithms |
VTK::FiltersCellGrid |
Filters and cell-types for vtkCellGrid objects |
VTK::FiltersCore |
Common filters for VTK data types |
VTK::FiltersExtraction |
Filters for selecting subsets data |
VTK::FiltersFlowPaths |
Filters and algorithms for streamlines |
VTK::FiltersGeneral |
Filters for transforming data |
VTK::FiltersGeneric |
Filters for selecting subsets of data at arbitrary points |
VTK::FiltersGeometry |
Geometric transformation filters |
VTK::FiltersGeometryPreview |
Filters for creating a preview of the geometry of a dataset. |
VTK::FiltersHybrid |
Filters that process both regular (image) and unstructured data. |
VTK::FiltersHyperTree |
Hypertree filters and algorithms |
VTK::FiltersImaging |
Filters and algorithms for images |
VTK::FiltersModeling |
Geometric modeling tools for VTK. |
VTK::FiltersOpenTURNS |
Filters that depend on the OpenTURNS library for uncertainty quantification. |
VTK::FiltersParallel |
VTK::FiltersParallelDIY2 |
Filters that use the DIY MPI library to perform tasks in a distributed-memory environment. |
VTK::FiltersParallelFlowPaths |
Filters that trace particles in a distributed-memory parallel environment. |
VTK::FiltersParallelGeometry |
Filters for distributed-memory processing of geometric data. |
VTK::FiltersParallelImaging |
Filters that perform image processing in distributed-memory parallel environments. |
VTK::FiltersParallelMPI |
Distributed-memory algorithms that require the message-passing interface (MPI) library. |
VTK::FiltersParallelStatistics |
Filters to compute statistics in distributed-memory parallel environments. |
VTK::FiltersParallelVerdict |
Parallel mesh-quality computation. |
VTK::FiltersPoints |
Filters for point-cloud processing. |
VTK::FiltersProgrammable |
Filters that accept user input at run-time to process VTK data. |
VTK::FiltersPython |
Provide a python base class for writing VTK algorithms in python. |
VTK::FiltersReduction |
Tools to convert explicit (tabular) arrays into implicit (procedural) arrays, which can reduce memory consumption. |
VTK::FiltersReebGraph |
Compute Reeb graphs of VTK data. |
VTK::FiltersSMP |
Filters that take advantage of symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) for speed. |
VTK::FiltersSelection |
Filters to create and process selections of VTK data. |
VTK::FiltersSources |
Filters that construct VTK data from scratch. |
VTK::FiltersStatistics |
Compute statistics of VTK data. |
VTK::FiltersTemporal |
Filters that process time-varying data. |
VTK::FiltersTensor |
Filters for tensor manipulation |
VTK::FiltersTexture |
Utilities to aid with texture-mapping of VTK data. |
VTK::FiltersTopology |
Topological analysis of VTK data objects. |
VTK::FiltersVerdict |
VTK::GUISupportMFC |
Make VTK available to Microsoft MFC applications. |
VTK::GUISupportQt |
Make VTK render-windows, interactors, and widgets available to Qt applications. |
VTK::GUISupportQtQuick |
Make VTK render-windows and interactors available in Qt Quick applications. |
VTK::GUISupportQtSQL |
Adapt Qt’s SQL interface to VTK’s vtkSQLDatabase. |
VTK::GeovisCore |
Core functionality for geospatial visualizations, such as spherical projections. |
VTK::GeovisGDAL |
Geospatial reprojection filters that use GDAL. |
VTK::IOAlembic |
VTK::IOAsynchronous |
VTK::IOCatalystConduit |
Catalyst implementation for VTK, including Conduit to/from VTK conversion. |
VTK::IOCellGrid |
Readers and writers for vtkCellGrid-specific file-types |
VTK::IOCesium3DTiles |
VTK::IOChemistry |
File readers used in chemistry |
VTK::IOCore |
VTK::IOEnSight |
VTK::IOEngys |
Reader for Engys files |
VTK::IOExodus |
VTK::IOExport |
VTK::IOExportGL2PS |
VTK::IOExportPDF |
A module for handling I/O for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS) output format. |
Reader for the FluentCFF file format |
VTK::IOFides |
The base Fides reader library |
VTK::IOGeometry |
VTK::IOH5Rage |
VTK::IOH5part |
VTK::IOImage |
VTK::IOImport |
VTK::IOInfovis |
VTK::IOLegacy |
VTK::IOMPIParallel |
VTK::IOMotionFX |
VTK::IOMovie |
OCCT bridge for VTK, see README for more info |
The base OMF Reader library |
VTK::IOOggTheora |
VTK::IOParallel |
VTK::IOParallelExodus |
VTK::IOParallelLSDyna |
VTK::IOParallelNetCDF |
VTK::IOParallelXML |
VTK::IOParallelXdmf3 |
VTK::IOPostgreSQL |
VTK::IOTecplotTable |
VTK::IOVeraOut |
VTK::IOVideo |
VTK::IOXMLParser |
VTK::IOXdmf2 |
VTK::IOXdmf3 |
VTK::ImagingColor |
VTK::ImagingCore |
VTK::ImagingFourier |
VTK::ImagingGeneral |
VTK::ImagingHybrid |
VTK::ImagingMath |
VTK::ImagingMorphological |
VTK::ImagingOpenGL2 |
VTK::ImagingSources |
VTK::ImagingStatistics |
VTK::ImagingStencil |
VTK::InfovisBoost |
VTK::InfovisBoostGraphAlgorithms |
VTK::InfovisCore |
VTK::InfovisLayout |
VTK::InteractionImage |
VTK::InteractionStyle |
VTK::InteractionWidgets |
VTK::Java |
VTK::ParallelCore |
VTK::ParallelDIY |
DIY utility classes to simplify DIY-based filters |
VTK::ParallelMPI |
VTK::ParallelMPI4Py |
VTK::Python |
VTK::PythonContext2D |
VTK::PythonInterpreter |
VTK::RenderingAnari |
VTK::RenderingAnnotation |
VTK::RenderingCellGrid |
VTK::RenderingContext2D |
VTK::RenderingContextOpenGL2 |
VTK::RenderingCore |
VTK::RenderingExternal |
VTK::RenderingFFMPEGOpenGL2 |
VTK::RenderingFreeType |
VTK::RenderingFreeTypeFontConfig |
VTK::RenderingGL2PSOpenGL2 |
VTK::RenderingHyperTreeGrid |
VTK::RenderingImage |
VTK::RenderingLICOpenGL2 |
VTK::RenderingLOD |
VTK::RenderingLabel |
VTK::RenderingMatplotlib |
VTK::RenderingOpenGL2 |
VTK::RenderingOpenVR |
VTK::RenderingOpenXR |
VTK::RenderingOpenXRRemoting |
VTK::RenderingParallel |
VTK::RenderingParallelLIC |
VTK::RenderingQt |
VTK::RenderingRayTracing |
VTK::RenderingSceneGraph |
VTK::RenderingTk |
VTK::RenderingUI |
VTK::RenderingVR |
VTK::RenderingVRModels |
VTK::RenderingVolume |
VTK::RenderingVolumeAMR |
VTK::RenderingVolumeOpenGL2 |
VTK::RenderingVtkJS |
VTK::RenderingWebGPU |
VTK::RenderingZSpace |
VTK::SerializationManager |
Manage object serialization and deserialization utilities. |
VTK::TestingCore |
Core classes for regression and unit testing of VTK. |
VTK::TestingDataModel |
Utilities to aid testing of VTK::CommonDataModel classes. |
VTK::TestingGenericBridge |
An adaptor that presents vtkDataSet instances as vtkGenericDataSet instances for testing. |
VTK::TestingIOSQL |
Facilities for testing SQL database functionality in VTK. |
VTK::TestingRendering |
Utilities for testing VTK by rendering and image comparison. |
VTK::UtilitiesBenchmarks |
VTK::ViewsContext2D |
VTK::ViewsCore |
VTK::ViewsInfovis |
VTK::ViewsQt |
VTK::WebAssembly |
VTK::WebCore |
VTK::WebGLExporter |
VTK::WebPython |
VTK::WrappingPythonCore |
VTK::catalyst |
VTK::kwiml |
VTK::metaio |
VTK::mpi |
VTK::octree |
VTK::vtksys |