
vtkRenderingVR - Virtual reality support for VTK#


The VR module defines an API and support classes for adding virtual reality support to VTK. The OpenVR and OpenXR modules are both subclassed off of this module. For a list of todos and development issues please see


Supported Devices#

The VR module aims to support runtimes that implement the OpenXR or OpenVR standards.

See VTK::RenderingOpenXR documentation for information on rendering with the modern OpenXR specification.

See VTK::RenderingOpenVR documentation for information on rendering with the legacy OpenVR specification.

Coordinate Systems#

With VR the transformations between coordinate systems can quickly become confusing. To help with this note that most matrices in the VR code are stored in vtk convention. That is a = Mx where x is a column vector in homogeneous coordinates. Matrices are named according to what spaces they transform between. For example PhysicalToLeftEyeMatrix. Some common coordinate systems are listed below in order of coordinate flow.

Note that in vtkMatrix4x4 multiplcations are done from right to left so to compute a matrix from spaces A to C you would do

vtkMatrix4x4::Multiply4x4(BtoCMatrixInput, AtoBMatrixInput, AtoCMatrixOutput)

Model -> World -> Physical -> Left/RightEye -> Projection

  • Model - what an actor’s data is in

  • World - common coordinate system for all actors

  • Physical - the physical VR space in meters with 0,0,0 being the center of the floor of the room

  • Device - the viewpoint (position and orientation) of a device such as a controller

  • LeftEye (and RightEye) - the viewpoint of the left and right eye

  • Projection - in clip space, the expected output space for vertex shaders

The matrices that go between these spaces are as follows and they can be inverted as desired. You will also find some additional matrices that combine some of these transformations into a single matrix for convenience such as VRHMDCamera->WorldToLeftEyeMatrix.

  • Model -> World = the actor’s matrix

  • World -> Physical = inverse of VRRenderWindow->GetPhysicalToWorldMatrix()

  • Physical -> LeftEye = VRHMDCamera->PhysicalToLeftEyeMatrix

  • LeftEye -> Projection = VRHMDCamera->LeftEyeToProjectionMatrix

  • Physical -> Device = inverse of VRRenderWindow->GetDeviceToPhysicalMatrixForDevice()

There are some other matrices used in the camera that are stored in OpenGL format (transpose of VTK format) using an older naming convention. These are names such as WCDCMatrix, the names correspond to

  • MC = model coordinates (same as above)

  • WC = world coordinates (same as above)

  • VC = view coordinates, world coordinates translated and rotated to the camera, similar to the LeftEye space

  • DC = device coordinates (device in this context is a GPU, so same as projection coordinates above)