VTK WASM regression test suite architecture#

The VTK Emscripten test utilities utilize a custom protocol designed to address the file I/O requirements of WebAssembly (WASM) unit tests. This protocol allows C++ unit tests to preload files into the sandbox environment or dump files from the sandbox to the server hosting the WASM module. If you prefer to use a Node.js server instead of the Python server employed in VTK, this documentation will guide you through implementing the necessary routes.


The command line for a unit test is set by the CMake functions in vtkModuleTesting.cmake file. It looks like “python” “Testing/WebAssembly/runner.py” –engine=”/path/to/engine” “/path/to/vtkModuleNameCxxTests.js_file” “TestName” “arg1” “arg2” … “argn”


  1. /:

    Request description: Initial GET request for HTML.

    Expected response: server must respond with the contents of a HTML page generated from templates/index.html or 404 if it does not exist.

  2. /filename.{js,wasm}:

    Request description: Request for a file with .js or .wasm extension.

    Expected response: server must respond with the contents of the JS/WASM file from the build/bin directory or 404 if it does not exist.

  3. /favicon.ico:

    Request description: Request for an icon file.

    Expected response: server must respond with the contents of an icon file from the build/bin directory or 404 if it does not exist.

  4. /preload?file=/path/to/file.ext:

    Request description: wasm unit test initiates a GET with the full path of a file in its query parameters.

    Expected response: server must respond with the contents of the file or 404 if a file does not exist.

  5. /console_output:

    Request description: wasm unit test initiates a POST with text from cout and cerr streams in POST content.

    Expected response: ‘OK’

  6. /dump?file=/path/to/file.ext:

    Request description: wasm unit test initiates a POST with the full path of a file in its query parameters and sends the entire contents of the output file in the POST content.

    Expected response: ‘OK’ or ‘Invalid query for /dump’ if query parameters are invalid.

  7. /exit:

    Request description: wasm unit test initiates a POST with the exit code of the C++ unit test in the POST content.

    Expected response: ‘close-window’ or ‘Invalid exit code! Expected an integer, got {received_exit_code}’ if exit code cannot be parsed into an integer.

Reference Client-side implementation in VTK:#

  1. vtkEmscriptenTestUtilities.h

  2. vtkEmscriptenTestUtilities.cxx

  3. vtkEmscriptenTestUtilities.js

Reference Server-side implementation in VTK:#

  1. The vtkTestHTTPHandler.translate_path method implements the /preload, /filename.{js,wasm} and /favicon.ico routes.

  2. The vtkTestHTTPHandler.do_POST method implements routes like /dump, /console_output and /exit. These are triggerred when the wasm application wants to write a file to disk through fwrite, print messages to cout/cerr and exit(code) respectively.