This module contains a reader and writer for vtkCellGrid data that uses human-readable JSON and/or binary MessagePack as the on-disk format.
Both the reader and writer classes use the
to accomplish their work.
This query can be set to serialize data to or deserialize data from an nlohmann::json
object, which is in turn written to or read from disk.
Note that this query is used by the VTK::IOLegacy
module as well – it embeds
MessagePack-formatted data for cell-grids into the existing legacy VTK file format.
A query responder, vtkDGIOResponder,
is provided to process cell grids containing vtkDGCell
If you add a new type of cell, you should register your own responder
to the vtkCellGridIOQuery
class; once you do, your new cell type will
be supported for I/O.
Additionally, because ParaView uses the VTK::IOLegacy
module to transfer data
between a client and rank-0 server processes, adding an I/O responder for your new
cell type will enable client-side rendering of remote data in ParaView.